Welcome to Jason McDonald

The Mad, Mad, World of a Writer

Who is Jason McDonald?

I am the author of the psychological suspense thriller novel Pandemic-19 that is breaking the mold of modern-day fiction and other books and novels waiting in the wings to be released! My debut novel, Pandemic-19, is growing in popularity and being carried locally and across the globe by bookstores and major retailers! Visit my Find My Books page for details. Thank you to Good Twin Publishing for supporting this grand adventure, so please visit them at Good Twin Publishing and check them out.

Do you dare to journey into my mind, across genres, and to places, times, and worlds that make you think, question what you know, and give you unexpected twists that go against the grain? My novels provide an escape from reality and weave stories cemented in facts and details, tweaked and turned upside down to lace together the plots of my books. Whether adult fiction where I provide suspense in thrillers or children’s books that entertain and teach some history along the way, my works are a release, not just for me, but for you, my readers.

Come on the ride, read the blog, follow me on Twitter, and let’s have fun together!

All work is protected and copyrighted by applicable laws, covenants, and international agreements.

The “Scene” of Death

As writers, we live and die by our words.

Particularly, the avenues we choose to formulate and describe a scene in a chapter become critical ways for us to convey emotions, fear, and acceptance for our readers to relish in our books. There are formulaic frameworks, tried and true structures, even the dreaded copycat of…

What’s Vacation?


It chews you up and spits you out.

At least, that seems to be the case in the magnificently chaotic and ever-revolving world I love to call my home life.

Fuel for the Imagination

What fuels your brain? That is a question writers get asked.

A lot.

For some, it is a hard one to answer concisely, as we writers get our inspiration from a variety of sources. For others, it is a quick reply steeped in direct language that paints a great picture.